Wednesday, January 11, 2006

pot probs in JC

well, the title is a little misleading. BBC taught a class called "Potential Problems in Youth Ministry." the title was of course shortened to "Pot Probs." so, i am not talking about marijuana problems in Johnson City, but potential problems for preaching in JC. here's the issue:

i test ran a dialogue forum last night at my small group. some engaged well; some got alot better; some preferred to do nothing. one girl, actually quite brave i think, asked, "are you going to look up what repentance means before sunday?" she then asked a very profound question: "why do we get to decide what repentance means?" if this is what i communicated last night, it cannot be what i communicate sunday. repentance is not ours to mould, deciding what repentance is. it is an act, however, that confronts us differently than it did Jesus' hearers (Mark 1:14-15 being the text). if the goal of Scripture is community and character formation (I think I could get there from Greg Bloomquist's statement that the Scriptures are "soteriological" in nature, Some Guy!)--a big if, btw, and one open for discussion--and the call of repentance is to God's kingdom, then where we miss God's kingdom, no doubt conditioned by our time, heritage, etc., must be the content and subject of repentance. we don't get to choose what repentance means; we just have to listen with our hands, feet, and characters on the table for change.


Blogger Dancin' said...

I'm not sure there's a formula for repentance. I've heard the old saying, "repentance is being sorry enough to never do it again" which makes repentance contingent upon future works/acts.

I've recently read basically a formula to how you know you repented.

I've also heard "repentance is a delibrate turning". I think this has potential, however, I ask, "What happens if we mess up again?". Does this mean we turned back?

When it comes to repentance it's been a matter of where my heart is.
Am I greived I sinned? This isn't a question of whether I cry or wail or put on a sack clothe and ashes. It's a matter of in my heart am I repenting because "I'm suppose to" or because I want to leave the sin in the past.

Once we repent it's over with! Done!

1/11/2006 03:32:00 PM  
Blogger JHW said...

Could repentance, in that case, include "starting to do something" rather than just "not doing something anymore"? ie. caring for orphans and widows-inline with the Kingdom.

1/11/2006 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think we get to decide what repentence means, but we do try to understand what it means in our lives...hopefully, with deep respect and humility, seeking God for the answer, even as we put in th work.


1/11/2006 08:17:00 PM  

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