Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Way Back from Post-Christian Society

Contrary to some of my fellow theologians, I am not opposed to a Christian culture. I think it a grand witness to the overwhelming power of the gospel to transform and a wonderful vindication of some of the wisest words I've ever heard, spoken by the always insightful Dave Higle: "Jesus didn't die on the cross so that we could spend all of our time in church." I am currently reading "The Return of the Fathers," by Rusty Reno in the most recent First Things. One of his premises is that schools are now becoming taken over by professors who are removed from the history of the Christian faith. "The intellectual life is now dominated by the first truly post-Christian generation" (p. 15). If this is the case--that we are living in a post-Christian society, then what is the road back? My own belief is that one cannot turn back time, nor can one use power to stop time in the hopes that maybe, just maybe, time will reverse itself. No, the way forward, the way back to a Christian culture, is the way the Chinese are now doing it; the way the early church did it; the way the Africans are doing it: Let's remember that the first Christian society was won by the martyrs.


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