Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Theology of Revelation

Sitting on my shelf is a book called, "A Brief Theology of Revelation" by Colin Gunton that I now wish I'd read. I have been reading my friend Matt's posts on a book by Frank Viola called "Pagan Christianity." Today he mentioned that Viola is not pleased with revelation through reason, but more interested in revelation by the heart. This got me wondering about my own thoughts on a theology of revelation, by which I mean, what do I think about revelation based on my thoughts on God. Bit of a catch 22, of course, because what I know of God is revealed!

My own theological method tends to be pastoral, by which I mean I am interested in the shaping and forming of persons in community, which involves practices. I read and employ psychological and sociological studies through theological understanding for these purposes. So, because I think God is concerned with forming people and that social sciences can be sufficiently deconstructed to be interpreted and applied Christianly, my theology of revelation involves sources which are not Christian.


Based on what you know and believe of God, how do you think he reveals himself?


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