Thursday, November 13, 2008

Meme me once shame on you. Meme me twice....can't get memed again.

I've been memed by Nate Crawford, a seminary friend who is very smart but whose intelligence doesn't make you feel dumber, but gives you hope that if you are friends with him long enough you will become smart like him. I call this the Joel Green factor.

The rules are as follows:

1. Link to the person who tagged you (done above).
2. Post the rules on your blog (making this line a post within a post).
3. Write six random things about yourself (see below).
4. Tag five people at the end of your post and link to them (further below).
5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up (if it ever is).

Random things about me:

1. I stole my cousin's Eric Lindros rookie card when I was about 8-9 years old while he played ping-pong with my brother Paul. He found out and I had to return it.

2. I was one of a select few who knew and visited a dummy in the attic of my dorm at BBC. Roger Hunter: We shall not forget you.

3. I was picked up by the police after floating over a mile on a large chunk of ice down the Saint John river that flowed behind Tom Phillippe dorm at BBC. Many good hours were spent chopping large chunks of ice away and many cold returns to the dorm were suffered after we fell in.

4. I once stayed up until 3am reading "A History of Western Philosophy: Kant and the Nineteenth Century" (as part of a quasi-independent study with Nathan Crawford, no less!) This stood as the latest I had stayed up reading until last fall when I stayed up to 3:30am reading the final Harry Potter book.

5. I used to have one of the highest scores for the Windows game Jezzball posted on an internet site.

6. I was ping-pong champion of my college four straight years.

I will tag: Tim Perry, Matthew Rose, Mark Brewer, Dwight Schrute, and Rob Meeks.


Blogger Nathan Crawford said...

First, thanks for the compliment, but I feel very similarly about you.

Second, you have a Tom Phillippe dorm at BBC? We have like 4 Phillippe buildings at IWU.

Anyway, thanks for placating me placating Ken Schenck.

11/13/2008 02:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the post is up!

11/13/2008 05:33:00 PM  

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