Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Clash of the Civilized...

Barack Obama appears to be setting a new course on the war on terror. He is reaching to the Muslim community, affirming that America is not their enemy. This, of course, is a change from Bush's strategy of fight fire with bigger and better fire--and in your neighbourhood. Questions come up: Is Obama naive? Is this new course worth a chance?

My concern is this: If the hand extended is not received--its rejection symbolized by another massive attack?--will the fallout even compare to the Bush doctrine?

Hell hath no fury like hope scorned.



Blogger Clay said...

I don't think the only response would be an even stronger counter-attack. If there really is a new policy that values an open hand to a closed fist, a first response could not be retaliation. Honest "reaching out" can't involve retaliation. Fallout would simply place things back before the policy was formed with only a minor reprieve of "Welp, we tried!" It would abandon the policy altogether, making it look disingenuous, either because the desired outcome was impossible ("'they' just won't listen") or the original desire was not willing to pay a price (which hopefully wouldn't be asked).

Many non-violent causes throughout history prove this not naive, but it certainly is a hard road to start down. "Hope" based on the wrong thing will eventually dwindle, so I share your concern because "'we' tried" gives way to a lot of (U.S.) political freedoms that are quite scary. Lots of prayer from the Church could augment this "outreach" with a hope founded in God for peace, which cannot be scorned as easily (or at all, depending how you look at it).

1/28/2009 01:20:00 PM  

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