Thursday, December 08, 2005

the Christian thing to do is blog...

i live in the US, while my heart and attention is in Canada and its upcoming election. about all i can do is talk, ask questions, spread optimism to build momentum, and pray. praying is very important. one thing i have heard consistently from different people is that stephen harper is scary. or, "stephen harper scares me a bit." or, "some things i don't trust about stephen harper."

i am issuing a challenge to my Canadian Christian friends, who should therefore be interested in, in love with, and bound to the truth to ask themselves and then say what they find scary about stephen harper. (i have heard this from three different friends within the past week, so more must think it.) if the opinion that harper is scary is held and shared without proper basis, then it is gossip and wholely unChristian. i commit to responding in pure love, being more interested in the truth myself than sounding smart, witty, or winning an argument.

so, please, please let's get some things on the table and see if this oft-repeated slogan of the man being scary can either be confirmed or laid to rest.


Blogger theajthomas said...

I'm think harper is scary. Not in a political way, he just creeps me out. It's a whole personality. I'll vote for him but if he was walking behind me on a dark street I would speed up. He is also comes across a smug and arrogant although he has toned that down as of late. In Canada people want to vote for their grandfather or their favorite uncle (thus Cretien and Martin). I think Harped strikes people more as the quite neighbor across the road who moves out and the police find bodies under his floorboards. I don't think it's a vibe thing and like it or not vibe is important in politics. My wife and i were talking about this today and she said the same thing. Harper just seems creepy.

12/08/2005 06:15:00 PM  
Blogger Rachael said...

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12/08/2005 11:39:00 PM  
Blogger Rachael said...

I know that its not necessarily all that great to base a decision a "feeling", but I have to say that Harper doesn't come across the right way to me. His personality reeks, and like AJ said he is kind of creepy. I just don't like him from what I've seen and heard. BUT why vote the liberals back in??? No good reason. I kind of like Jack Layton, but not sure I can vote for the NDP. So I probably will vote for conservative...but I just wish they had a more charismatic and "non creepy" leader...

12/08/2005 11:42:00 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

Jack Layton is the one who scares me. He just smiles too much.

I did hear someone say, I think, during the last election that Harper scares them b/c of his views toward the US, eg wanting stronger ties and wanting to be a part of that whole missile defence thing.

12/09/2005 08:14:00 AM  
Blogger Nata said...

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12/09/2005 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful. Canadians are deciding who will lead the country according to who looks most like Grandpa. Or who looks least like Ted Bundy. I live in a nation of retards. Sorry. I apologize to all mentally challenged people. They should not be unfairly compared to Canadians.

12/09/2005 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've said it once and I'll say it again: "Go Green!"

12/09/2005 10:45:00 AM  
Blogger Dancin' said...

I'm with Tim. Using a beauty pageant to determine the leader of our nation?! Come on now?! Personally, I wouldn't mind being more closley tied to the US, everybody needs a big brother.

From what I know about Harper and from the information I have, I have no problem voting for him.
Perhaps, we've bought into the Liberal influence that's extremely apparent in our maritime news.
The Liberals robbed the country blinded for at least 8 years, and we still think we can trust them to run our country, Seriously?! Grampy Martin & Uncle Jean came over for Christmas and left with the tree.

12/09/2005 12:32:00 PM  
Blogger Aaron Perry said...

rach: you said, "I just don't like him from what I've seen and heard." What have you seen and heard?

whitey: while i don't appreciate layton, it is not because he smiles too much. i don't like him because he compromised his integrity to keep a corrupt party in power a few months ago. i do like the NDP position on wind power, and think it should become standard to push for increased exploration of wind power.

Kudos to whitey for raising a legitimate point: missile defence. i am personally against it, but it is not necessarily a scary program. it is exactly that: a missile DEFENCE program. my issue is that it is fueled by fear. i would rather be pouring resources elsewhere, that give hope and not a strategy for defense.

dave also raises a point about US relations: the fact is, Canada holds such little ground on the world stage that you saw how much our voice mattered over the iraq issue. strengthening ties need not mean blindly following, but perhaps giving legitimacy to our opinion and perspective.

paul also raises an excellent point: to propogate an opinion that someone is scary based on looks and intuition (esp from photos and television) proves that we have been Californicated all the more. has **image** become the watch, word, and song of Christians, now, too? Where is that pesky prophet Jeremiah when you need him?!??! "Come out of her, my people!"

12/09/2005 01:12:00 PM  
Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said...

I personally pray a curse on all those who vote Liberal! They have cheated us...robbed us....lied to us....and made themselves rich! I hope Harper gets in and for all those who say he is "scary" are all gay!

12/09/2005 02:27:00 PM  
Blogger Rachael said...

AP: For me its just based on feeling and I think I stated that. I don't know enough about the inside of politics. While Steve harper may not be someone I would want to be chummy with..He's still a leader, and I think he could run the country better than Martin (heck we need a change) And its not just about looks guys..I'm not saying that...but so far in life I have made my friends according to the "vibe", discernment..whatever you wanna call it. So far so freakin good!! I like the way harper speaks..he's up front and he gets it done! His sarcasm at times is great too. Hail Harper :)
not answering your question AP...cause I don't have grounds to back myself up...hehe.

12/09/2005 02:59:00 PM  

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