Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Going to church on Christmas

Thought I'd put this out here since I've seen it on some other blogs and see what your thoughts are. I will just say that I think it very appropriate our church is worshiping on Dec. 25.

Any other thoughts?


Blogger JHW said...

I agree A.P. It is a day where our identity as "Americans" or "Canadians" clashes with our identity as the Church.

Sunday evening is a different story though:)

12/07/2005 10:52:00 PM  
Blogger matthew said...

Yes, definitely some controvsial material in

1. You don't have to be in a church to experience God. You can experience God in the living room

2. Church officials say the Christmas season is their Super Bowl, even on Christmas day when they give everyone the gift of not having to attend church service.

12/07/2005 11:04:00 PM  
Blogger matthew said...

We're kinda doing something similar and yet opposite at our church. We normally have 2 seperate services (1 traditional and 1 contemporary), but on Christmas day we are all meeting together.

12/07/2005 11:09:00 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

I can definitely see why they would cancel on Christmas. Imagine having to preach in 4 or 5 services on Christmas day if you were the pastor. It would not be Christmas for the staff or volunteers at all.

On the other hand, I do think it's good to worship together on Christmas. Our church is having one service instead of 3 that day, and putting on a dinner for the less fortunate in our community.

12/08/2005 09:43:00 AM  
Blogger Aaron Perry said...

matt--something similar with us.

whitey--i think your worship is quite appropriate. celebration of the birth of Jesus on the day set aside each week to celebrate his resurrection (re-birth?) is very appropriately done by eating, praising, and serving together.

12/08/2005 09:52:00 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Yeah, there were some things in the article that crawled under my skin especially this comment: "they give everyone the gift of not having to attend church service." Since when did allowing people not to attend church become a gift? The comment about church being not well attended was disturbing too. I mean, that church not being in good attendance is probably a full house and more for my church.

Anyways, I can somewhat understand why they're not having church on Sunday because of the eight services leading up to it, but I didn't really appreciate some of the comments in the article. I really like what Robin said his church was doing - SERVING the community. Isn't that what it's all about?

I think it's fitting that Christmas is on a Sunday.

12/08/2005 07:21:00 PM  

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