Monday, December 12, 2005

this is what the Canadian gov't thinks of its people

Freudian slip? Truth winning-out? Either way, this is what the Liberal gov't think of its people. Note: Scott Reid is Paul Martin's Director of **Communications.** Think this spin is just coming from him alone? Not likely.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To quote Warren Kinsella (gosh, I can't believe I'm doing that!): "If Canadian parents didn't have a reason to vote against Martin, they do now!"

This will be to the '05 campaign what the Chretien mouth ads were to the '93 campaign.

Dare I let myself hope?

Some Guy

12/12/2005 03:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I think that is bad..., I think what is more ridiculous is that the government thinks that they know better then you and I how to spend our money. If people want to buy beer and popcorn over child care, then they should be free to do that. The goverment needs to let people choose the things that they (the people) value, not what the dominate party values.
I am sure that there is more to this issue then I know. but this sounds pretty awful.

12/12/2005 07:37:00 PM  
Blogger Kirk said...

Hmmmmmm after reading all the comments recently i know i can't vote for the Liberals because in the words of Hilda McCutcheon "they're sinful and evil and wrong" (she was referring to the Simpsons but i thought she ment Bill and Gloria Gaither and Bill Gaither=Paul Martin) However after reading the rest of the responses i know i'd never vote for the "we have less morals than the Liberals party" (the NDP) and I've been having reccurring nightmares about Stephen Harper. In them he gets into power and then some kids come up behind him and pull off his mask and it's Brian Mulrooney. Brian screams "and i would have got away with it too if it wasn't for those kids" So I think I'm going to vote for the Bloc. They hate the Liberals and are not a threat to me. P.S. I wouldn't vote Green because they support PETA who in turn support the slaughter of animals.

12/13/2005 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just for the record, Brian Mulroney is turning out in hindsight to be the greatest Prime Minister since Sir John A. If Stephen Harper is a masked Mulroney, the country would be even more better off.

12/13/2005 10:00:00 AM  
Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said...

Mulroney was just sweeping up the trash that Trudeau left behind. You want to talk about waste...lets talk about Trudeau. Now I liked Truedea's handling of himself. At least he stood up for what he believed in polotics (his personal life was a moral failure)...but he did what he said. That being said...I still can't get away from his waste! I believe Harper will do what he says...(like Truedeau) just minus the waste (Harpers plan seems solid). May all the Liberals be taken to an Island off the coast of NB. A "Grand" Island. I hear Paul Martin visits there under the name of "Kirk Perry". I will quote Paul friend and brother...."better dead than red". May the liberals fail in all they do!

12/13/2005 10:30:00 AM  
Blogger Aaron Perry said...

Trudeau is the fella who experimented having a country perpetually in debt. well done, trudeau. well done, trudeau, well done.

i think Maves' slogan will now become the official slogan of this blog: "Better dead than Red."

12/13/2005 10:42:00 AM  
Blogger Robin said...

I like the Conservative plan b/c it doesn't assume the gov't knows better how you should raise your kids. E.G. instead of forcing you to put your kids in preschool ni order to get benefits, it lets Moms stay at home with their kids if they wish.

12/13/2005 10:48:00 AM  
Blogger Aaron Perry said...

i also like the tax credits to businesses that develop quality day care facilities for their employees. i also like the tax breaks for parents with university students and for textbooks. smart, creative, sensitive.

12/13/2005 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as a parent with a kid (and another on the way) i can appreciate very much the thought of an extra $1200/year to help out with children/family expenses, especially since we've made the decision to have the mom at home instead of working and allowing someone else to raise our kids.
kudos to C. Party, even if I do spend it on beer and popcorn.

12/13/2005 01:01:00 PM  

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