Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Three Simple Rules

Hi friends,
Thanks for your continued leadership.  You are prayed for in your efforts in group ministry and discipleship.  I wanted to share something simple with you with our heritage in small groups back to John Wesley.  Wesley was a tremendous organizer and believer of mutual discipleship.  He organized societies or classes that have some reflection to small groups in contemporary churches.  Wesley encouraged his groups to live by three simple rules:
1. Do no harm to another person;
2. Do good to other people;
3. Stay in love with God.
Obviously each of these rules is related to each other, but distinct as well.  I am curious: In the leadership you give to your home, group, ministry, work, or elsewhere, which rule seems most important?  Would you please let me know your thoughts? 
Also, please continue talking about the Leadercast coming to Brockville that we are hosting at Centennial Road.  It's a great opportunity to invite a friend to an event that will introduce them to the church facility and maybe spark a conversation about something spiritual, in a setting for any and all faith commitments.  If you know someone you'd like to invite and purchase them a ticket, your ticket will be free.  (Tickets are $40, which includes lunch.)  I have five tickets to give away like this.  Also, if you know someone who should attend for their personal development, but cannot afford a ticket, let me know. 
I love serving with all of you.  It is wonderful being part of a team working to reach people for Christ and disciple people in Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace,


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